Practice Promotions LLC


Goals for 2020 Jan31st 2020

3 Tips to Meet Your Goals for 2020

3 Tips to Meet Your Goals for 2020  2020 is here and has been here for one month, and time continues to move forward.  Did you make any big or small goals for this new year? Have you been able to stay motivated and on-track with your goals?  It’s easy to get distracted, slack off,

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Knee replacement Jan7th 2020

Non-surgical alternative for knee replacement: physical therapy.

“My knee is bone-on-bone.” “I have the knee of a 70 year old.” (what does that even MEAN by the way? I know plenty of 70+ year olds in better shape than 20+ yr olds). Some of you have been told these phrases, which is then usually followed with the suggestion of undergoing a total

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Pilates Nov27th 2013

Keep Calm And Do Pilates

Pilates is a strengthening and relaxing exercise that focuses on control of the body; promoting breathing control, better posture, and muscle development in the upper torso. Here are five reasons why Pilates is excellent for everyone but especially those with disabilities.