Practice Promotions LLC


Apr20th 2022

Non-invasive Treatment for Your Chronic Aches and Pains

Any pain that lasts longer than three months is classified as “chronic.” When people suffer with chronic pain for a long period of time, it can become a downward spiral. They become more inactive and sedentary as a result of the pains, and then their health gets even worse. People with chronic pain will even

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Apr10th 2022

Back Pain Can Be Limiting – Could Yours be from a Herniated Disc?

Ready to Find Relief for Your Back Pain? Back pain is one of the most common complaints among Americans today. Whether you experience the occasional ache in your back, or you deal with recurring chronic back pain, it can make completing everyday tasks extremely difficult. But have you ever stopped to wonder whether your back

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Mar20th 2022

Chronic Back Pain Can be Limiting – Physical Therapy Can Help

Ready to Say Goodbye to Your Back Pains? The American Physical Therapy Association states that back pain is the most commonly experienced form of pain for Americans. In fact, one in every four Americans has sustained some sort of back pain in the past three months. Chronic back pain is pain that persists for three

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